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Can you believe THIS MAN is 95 years old? – here how he did it

Turk Kazim Gurbuz was born in Adana in 1920. attract the public because of its vitality and youthful appearance for thought to be due to regular exercise, nutrition and positive approach to life.

The secret of longevity, in his words, is simple and anyone can look like him in those years. The key is to exercise regularly and to work on flexibility of the body.yogikazim9

and diet It is extremely important , and says there are super foods like, olives, honey, fresh fruit and peppers.

“Mohammad Ali had once saw me shaping my body and said I was even greater than him,” he claimed.

Refusing to describe himself as a miracle, he said that everyone could stay young. “Everyone has this power.”yogikazim7

He is a great lover of yoga and teacher of ancient skills. Even on their own 95 years can perform the most difficult poses.

Kazim is in great physical shape, and states that have a sexual condition of a 30 year old man.

“I can prove that I am in better condition than your 28-year-old photographer friend. For instance, can he hold his breath for 4-5 minutes?”4tur.jpg500

What about his sex life?

“I am the same as when I was 25-30 years old. They challenged me to prove it in Europe, so I did,” Yogi Kazım said.

In 1961 he suffered a severe car accident and was paralyzed, and the doctors told him that there is minimal chance of walking again. He Claims that using the treatments alone developed, managed to rise to his feet.2tur.jpg500 1tur.jpg500


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