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Home / Natural cure / Miracle drink – For lungs, immune system…

Miracle drink – For lungs, immune system…

Ingredients needed:

• 400 g of onions

• 1 liter of water

• 400 grams of sugar (if you want a healthier version, use honey or maple syrup)

• 2 tablespoons turmeric

• one ginger root


1. Add sugar to the water, put it on the fire and bring to the boil.

2. Cut the onion into quarters, chop the ginger root and add them to the water with sugar. When the mixture boils again, add the turmeric and reduce the temperature.

3. Allow the mixture to cook until half of the water has evaporated. Then strain and pour into a jar. When completely cooled, place the mixture in the refrigerator.

4. The elixir prepared in this way is consumed in the morning, two teaspoons, and then in the evening, two hours after the meal.


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