Top 30 Natural Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids Treatment & Pain Relief
1. Aloe Vera
Using aloe vera is one of the simple home remedies for hemorrhoids. Aloe vera contains therapeutic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in reducing the itching, irritation, and inflammation of hemorrhoids. Aloe vera is used to heal internal and external hemorrhoids.
Remedy 1: (For Internal Hemorrhoids)
Firstly, you take and aloe vera leaf and then you eliminate the thorn of the leaf.
Next, you cut the leaf in strips, and put these slices in a bowl and keep it in the refrigerator for a while.
After that, you apply this cold aloe vera strip to the affected area to get relief from the burning, itching sensation and pain.
You should repeat this process regularly to dispose of the hemorrhoids.
Remedy 2: (For External Hemorrhoids)
You extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf.
Then you rub this gel to the anus and massage slowly it on your affected area for a few minutes.
This process can help you in relieving the pain and soothing the burning sensation.
You should apply this process to eliminate external hemorrhoids.
2. Almond Oil
Almond oil contains deep tissue absorption and emollient properties which externally are used to heal external hemorrhoids. It can help to moisture and ease the inflammation as well as relieve burning, and itching sensation in the anus and around the area.
First of all, you put some drops of pure almond oil to a small bowl.
Then you take a cotton ball or clean cloth and soak it in that oil.
Next, you apply the cotton ball/clean cloth directly on your affected area to relieve the pain which is caused by hemorrhoids.
Keep repeating this process for a few days to eliminate hemorrhoids, especially external hemorrhoids.
There are many home remedies for hemorrhoids, keep reading to get more information!
3. Whole Grains
Whole grain products have a good amount of fiber that is highly beneficial for reducing hemorrhoid symptoms and bleeding. Besides, this nutrient can help in cleaning out the gastrointestinal system and allowing the colon to act more efficiently as well as prevent constipation. Fiber-rich foods are beneficial in softening stool and increasing its bulk that helps in reducing the straining during bowel movements. You can try using some of the whole grain products such as oats, barley, brown rice, millet, maize, quinoa, and buckwheat.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains the astringent property that can help in shrinking the swollen blood vessels, giving relief from the swelling and irritating both of internal and external hemorrhoids. However, you should remember to use unpasteurized and unfiltered vinegar to get the best results quickly. Here are some home remedies for hemorrhoids using apple cider vinegar you can follow:
Remedy 1: (For Internal Hemorrhoids)
Firstly, you add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water.
Next, you stir it well and then you drink this mixture at least 2 times a day.
If you want a better taste, you can combine with honey.
Remedy 2: (For External Hemorrhoids)
First of all, you take a cotton ball/clean cloth and then you soak it to apple cider vinegar for a few minutes.
Next, you gently press the cotton ball/clean cloth against the inflamed area.
Applying this method will initially lead to the stinging sensation but you will soon relieve itching and irritation.
You should repeat this method several times a day till the swelling reduces and hemorrhoids condition disappears.
5. Water
When you suffer from internal or external hemorrhoids, you should increase your water intake. Drinking 8 to 10 cups of water per day to help you in cleansing your internal system and hydrating your entire body. It also has the ability to facilitate bowel movements and keep the stools soft.
When you do not provide enough water and other fluids for your body, the process of pulling waste out of your body will become slow down. As a result, the stools are hard and thereby making the hemorrhoids symptoms worse.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids constantly and severe bleeding or repeat frequently, you should see a doctor have some advice.
6. Black Tea Bag
Tea contains tannic acid that has natural astringent property. This property can help you to decrease the swelling and pain related to hemorrhoids. Here is one of the natural home remedies for hemorrhoids using black tea bag that you may use to get rid of this problem
First of all, you take a cup of boiled water and soak a black tea bag in it
You keep waiting for a few minutes and then take it out of the water
You allow it to be warm and apply the warm and wet tea bag to your affected areas
You should let it sit in there for 10-15 minutes and repeat this process daily for 2 or 3 times
Besides, you can apply the freeze and use tea bags for 5-10 minutes to treat the hemorrhoids
Continue following this article about home remedies for hemorrhoids to get more information!
7. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel contains healing and mild astringent properties which can help in easing the discomforts related to hemorrhoids. This astringent property may help to relieve pain, itching and swelling as well as shrink inflamed blood vessels.
First of all, you take a cotton ball/clean cloth and soak it to an undistilled witch hazel.
Then you use the cotton ball/clean cloth to massage gently on your affected area and leave it in place for a few minutes.
You should do this process for at least thrice a day until the bleeding and pain of hemorrhoids disappear.
Or you can take some medicated pads that contain witch hazel.
Then you apply these moist wiping pads instead of using toilet paper.
This process will help in protecting the anus from microorganisms and irritation.
Keep doing this process to eliminate the problem.
8. Olive Oil
Olive oil is known as one of the effective home remedies for hemorrhoids. Olive oil contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which are used to heal external hemorrhoids. It can help in increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and thereby reducing the inflammation. Besides, it has the ability to shrink the size of swollen blood vessels in your anal canal.
You can eat a teaspoon of olive oil daily.
This process can help you to decrease the inflammation. Moreover, the monounsaturated fats in it may help in improving the functionality of your excretory system.
Or you can also crush some plum leaves to extract the juice from them.
Then you combine with some drops of olive oil.
Next, you mix it well and apply on your affected area.
Keep waiting for a few minutes.
This process will help you to relieve the pain and swelling.
You should repeat this way regularly.
9. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice has various nutrients, which can get you relief from both internal and external hemorrhoids by making the blood vessel walls and capillaries stronger. Here are some home remedies for hemorrhoids by using lemon juice you can follow:
Remedy 1:
First of all, you saturate a cotton ball/clean cloth with fresh lemon juice.
Then you apply it on your affected area. You initially have a burning sensation or some mild tingling; however you will get relief from the pain soon after.
Remedy 2:
You firstly squeeze a half of lemon into a cup of boiled milk
Then you stir it well and drink it.
You should do this process every 3 hours for the best results.
Remedy 3:
First of all, you prepare 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of mint juice and 1/2 teaspoon of honey
Then you mix all these ingredients well and consume it
You should apply it once a day to get rid of hemorrhoids.
10. Ice
Ice helps in constricting the blood vessels and reducing the swelling as well as giving relief from the pain immediately.
You take some ice cubes and wrap in a clean cloth.
Then you apply it directly on your affected area.
You should leave it in place for about 10 minutes.
Keep repeating this process several times a day till the hemorrhoids goes away.
Besides, you can use a pack of frozen vegetables such as peas or corn and then you wrap it in tea towel
Next, you apply this on your affected areas and let it be in place for about 20 minutes.
You should do this process thrice a day to eliminate the hemorrhoids symptoms.
11. Flaxseed
Ground flaxseeds that have a large amount of fiber have beneficial for relieving hemorrhoid pain, hard stool, and bleeding. Any food with fiber including ground flaxseeds will help in increasing the bulk in the stool. It may soften bowel movements and leads to less straining. You just stay hydrated in order to decrease constipation with a higher fiber intake.
12. Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut is one of other natural home remedies for hemorrhoids. It has been used for many years to help in circulating blood. Horse chestnut is used to soothe the pain, swelling, and inflammation of varicose veins as well as hemorrhoids. It also has the ability to strengthen the walls of collapsing or weak veins. You just use horse chestnut as in capsule or tea form.
13. Citrus Fruits
Eating a diet that has a number of citrus fruits can help in getting rid of hemorrhoids. Citrus fruits have a large amount of bioflavonoid. Bioflavonoid contains anti-inflammatory property that has proven to decrease hemorrhoid symptoms such as itching, discharge, and bleeding as well as help in strengthening weak blood vessels. Try using some citrus fruits to relieve the hemorrhoid symptoms.
14. Blackberries
Blackberries are efficient in getting relief from bleeding of external hemorrhoids. The best way is to eat raw blackberries or blend them and drink the juice (not use any artificial sweeteners) twice a day for the expected results.
15. Butcher’s Broom
Butcher’s broom (known as box holly) is a plant which is used as a cleaner or sanitizer. But it has also been used like a traditional European treatment to stimulate blood circulation for healing hemorrhoids as well as varicose veins. You may supply butcher’s broom to your body in supplement form. Besides, you may make a tea by steeping 1 teaspoon of dried leaves with honey to get a sweeter taste. You should apply this way regularly to get rid of hemorrhoids.
16. Sitz Bath
Taking a Sitz bath is the easiest and perfect method to get instant relief from the painful hemorrhoids. This warm water remedy is known to calm down your sphincter muscle and thereby relieving pain caused by hemorrhoid protuberance. In addition, it also promotes the blood circulation to your affected area, which helps in contracting the swollen veins. You can start by pouring 3 to 4 inches of lukewarm water in your bath tank and soak it with raised knees for about 15 minutes. Keep repeating this remedy for 3 to 5 times per day to get instant relief from the pain.
17. Potatoes
Potatoes contain astringent properties, which can help in relieving the pain and itching related to hemorrhoids.
Firstly, you take 2 potatoes and rinse them properly.
Then you cut them into small pieces and put them to a blender in order to get a liquid form.
Next, you combine with some teaspoons of water and spread the mixture into a clean kerchief or thin gauze bandage to make it as a poultice.
Now, you fold it in half and then you apply it on your affected area for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Keep repeating this process regularly for about 1 to 2 times per day.
18. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the effective home remedies for hemorrhoids. It contains antiviral, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties which can help in treating the hemorrhoids symptoms.
First of all, you clean your affected area with a dry cotton ball/clean cloth.
Then you apply coconut oil on your affected area gently.
You should allow it to stay in there for a few minutes.
Keep repeating this process several times a day until you get rid of the pain and discomfort.
19. Prunes
Prunes have a laxative effect which can help in softening the stools and thereby helping to treat the hemorrhoids.
You take 2 or 3 prunes and eat them daily to relieve the hemorrhoids symptoms.
Or you can extract some prunes to get its juice and drink daily to get relief from the pain and discomfort that is caused by hemorrhoids.
Besides, you can find prunes in supplement forms and use regularly to fend off hemorrhoids.
20. Psyllium Seeds
One of the methods to deal with painful hemorrhoids is to make the hard stools become soft. This can help the hard stools passed easily and thereby putting no pressure on your affected veins. Because psyllium seeds have a large amount of fiber, they can make the stools softer. Besides, it helps bowel movement less painful by providing lots of water.
Therefore, you have to make sure that you mix 1 teaspoon of these seeds with 8-ounces of water and drink in your breakfast during a week. After that, you raise the frequency of intake in the following week by applying it with lunch. Similar to that, in the third week, you take this mixture with your dinner. There is no need to use any other fiber-rich supplement if you take the mixture thrice a day.
Keep reading this writing about home remedies for hemorrhoids to discover other remedies!
21. Oak Concoction
Oak contains powerful astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Its bark is very useful for treating hemorrhoids including internal and external hemorrhoids. According to a herbalist named David Hoffmann, we should get the mixture by mixing 1 cup of water with 1 tablespoon of oak bark and boil it for about 15 minutes. Then we allow it cool and apply it on your affected area or drink it. However, we should avoid using this way if you are suffering from constipation.
22. Baking Soda
Many studies have claimed that baking soda is beneficial for reducing itching that is caused by hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is suggested that you should apply a fine paste by mixing some teaspoons of baking soda with a few drops of water on your affected area. Besides, soaking in a tub that is filled with the mixture of amount of baking soda and warm water also help in relieving this problem.
23. Cold Pack Therapy
Just like a therapy by using hot water, a cold therapy is also beneficial in decreasing swelling related to hemorrhoids. You can take some cubes and wrap to a cotton ball then you apply it on your anus to soothe your affected area. This is another remedy in the list of top 30 natural home remedies for hemorrhoids that you can apply to get the best results.
24. Garlic
One of the most popular herbs for treating hemorrhoids is garlic. Garlic contains antibacterial properties that can help in disinfecting hemorrhoids. We additionally have to discharge toxins to maintain our body healthy and balanced. And it might take a long time to treat hemorrhoids because it causes a wound in the place where the toxins are being discharged through stools. Therefore, it may be infected and might not be healed readily. You should use some fresh garlic cloves in your meal to raise antibacterial agents to get rid of this problem.
25. Make Herbal Tablets For Hemorrhoids
The combination of some herbals is one of other great home remedies for hemorrhoids. Making these herbal tablets at home is not difficult.
You will need:
Garlic, neem seeds, dry ginger and asafoetida at an equal ratio
First of all, you mix all these ingredients with a little water.
Then you grind them to make a fine paste.
Next, you divide the paste into many tablets with 1-inch size.
Now, you store them in a bottle without air.
Use 1 or 2 tablets in the morning and evening every day with water.
You should continue doing this process for a few days.
26. Jambul Fruit
Because of containing various medicinal properties, jambul fruit has been used for many years in traditional Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Unani medicine for different medical diseases including constipation, diabetes, and hemorrhoids. Jambul fruit is known as black plum or java plum. This may help you in curing bleeding hemorrhoids.
How to use jambul fruit for hemorrhoids?
Firstly, you take 1 handful of jambul fruits and a little salt
Then you mix them together and consume every morning. It is the best if you do not eat anything.
Keep applying this remedy for 3 to 4 months. This is a kind of seasonal fruits and you can get this fruit in summer. Therefore, you should do this process every morning during summer.
27. Mango Seeds
Using the big mango seeds are a great treatment for your bleeding hemorrhoids. Here is a way on how to apply them for curing hemorrhoids.
You will need:
Some ripe mangoes
Some teaspoons of honey
First of all, you take the mango seeds from ripe mangoes.
Then you put these seeds in a shaded place in order that they can get dried fully. This process can take a few days.
When these mango seeds become dry down completely, you grind them to have their powder.
You store the mango seeds powder in a bottle without air.
Now, you mix about 2 grams of mango seeds powder with a little honey.
Then you consume it.
Continue doing this process for about 1 to 2 times per day.
28. Turmeric
Turmeric contains antiseptic and healing properties. Therefore, it can be used for treating your areas affected by hemorrhoids. You can follow these steps to get rid of hemorrhoids:
First of all, you take some teaspoons of turmeric powder and then you combine with onion juice and mustard oil.
Next, you mix it well to make a fine paste.
Then you apply this paste directly on your area of hemorrhoids. This will you help in treating the wound and eliminating the inflammation of your veins as well as getting relief from the pain immediately.
29. Goat Milk
If you are suffering from internal hemorrhoids, which make you bleed whenever you pass stools. You can try using this remedy by goat milk for getting perfect relief from hemorrhoids. This treatment is one of the simple home remedies for hemorrhoids that you can apply to get rid of hemorrhoids effectively:
You just take 8 grams of mustard and then you grind it to get the powder.
Then you combine it with 10 tablespoons of goat’s milk and drink before you have breakfast.
You should do this remedy every day to decrease the inflammation as well as prevent bleeding and itching.
30. Dry Figs
Figs not only help you to have an easy bowel movement but also can help your anal canal to clean that can have shrunk because of hemorrhoids. Consume them twice per day but in the proper manner.
How to use figs for hemorrhoids?
First of all, you take 2 to 4 dry figs.
Then you rinse them properly with clean water.
Next, you soak them to water for overnight.
In the next morning, you eat these soaked figs when you have an empty stomach. You do not throw the water away. You can also use this water.
Finally, you repeat this process and use it in the evening.
You will need to process this method for about 3 to 4 weeks.
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