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Home / Testimonies from patients / Doctors gave him 18 months to live – he completely cured cancer with this recipe

Doctors gave him 18 months to live – he completely cured cancer with this recipe

David Hibiya fell ill from cancer of the small intestine, and estimates of the doctors was that he had only 18 months to live. However, he now rejoices in the common life with his new wife, and fully cured cancer.

The 33-year-old from Stafordishir insists that he completely cured him self miraculously whit oil from cannabis, which cost about £ 50 per gram in the local dealers.rak1-630x315

-friends Told me of oil of cannabis and at first i refused to try. I never wanted drugs. However, I felt that chemotherapy is slowly killing me and i have nothing to lose. I did not want to reconcile with the fact that I would die – said David.

After hard chemotherapy and radiotherapy,  after surgery of the small intestine in March 2013 – the medical treatment was unsuccessful. He was forced to try alternative medicine. He found help in cannabis.

After treatment with cannabis David discovered he had cured cancer  – than he decided to marries his girlfriend Heather (26)

British Institute for the Prevention of Cancer stated that they are aware that patients use cannabis as a remedy, but that still there is no evidence for its efficacy and safety, and they can not state that it cures cancer.


send us email to [email protected] for the complete instructions how to make and use some home remedy. 



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