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Home – granny cure for Common cold, Sore throat

Sore throat

This could be accompanied with cough due to an infection of the lungs, causing a secretion of mucous. Some home remedies that can be used are:

-Boil water. Add a dash of cinnamon, a little piece of ginger, 1 tsp honey and drink.

-Heat water with 2 tsp of lemon juice and 2 tsp of honey and sip.

-Heat one glass of water, add a tsp of salt and gargle. Be careful not to swallow the water as it may make you feel like throwing up.

-Take 1 tsp fresh ginger juice, ½ tsp honey and a pinch of turmeric. Swallow this mixture at least three times a day.

– Heat ½ glass milk, add less than ¼ tsp of turmeric and sugar. Drink while warm.

-Pour one cup of boiling water over a piece of ginger, ½ tsp ground cloves and ½ tsp cinnamon. Filter it, sweeten with honey and have it sip by sip. This helps when there is mucus in the cough.

-Add ½ a raw onion, 2 cloves, 4-5 mint leaves, 2-3 black peppercorns and a small stick of cinnamon to a glass of water. Boil it thoroughly, strain and have while it is still warm. To reduce the spicy taste, you could add 1 tsp of honey.

Common cold

-Blow your nose often, rather than sniffing back the mucous.

-Put 2-3 drops of salt water in your nose in the morning and before going to bed. Salt keeps the nasal passage moist; the saline solution also helps thin the mucous so you can get rid of it at regular intervals.

-Make hot chicken soup with lots of garlic. Have when hot. It will help unclog your nasal passage.

-Have lots of liquids like tea, soups, etc, daily. This will replace important fluids lost during the cold and help flush out impurities.

– Soak your feet in warm water, it will help relieve any headaches or nasal congestion you get during your cold.

-Warm ¼ katori mustard oil to which you have added 4-5 cloves of chopped garlic. Apply this on your nose, chest and back just as you would a bottle of Vicks. Cover up and sleep.

-Boil half a bowl of water, add few drops of eucalyptus oil and inhale the steam.

The health benefits of ginger root have been touted for centuries, but now we have scientific proof of its curative properties. A few slices of raw ginger root in boiling water may help soothe a cough or sore throat. Research suggests that it can also ward off the feelings of nausea that so often accompany influenza. For example, one study found that just 1 gram of ginger can “alleviate clinical nausea of diverse causes

White Willow Bark

Native Americans used it as a pain reliever and fever reducer. Granny healers followed along and found it to be antispasmodic. Science figured it out and synthetically made aspirin with similar ingredients. Caution: do not give to children under 19 years of age due to the risk of Reye’s Syndrome.

Common Thyme

Thyme contains thymol which is known to be antiseptic, antibiotic and antiviral. Before the advent of antibiotics, it was mashed and used to medicate bandages.


Honey has a variety of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Drinking honey in tea with lemon can ease sore throat pain. Research suggests that honey is an effective cough suppressant, too. In one study, researchers found that giving children 10 grams of honey at bedtime reduced the severity of their cough symptoms. The children reportedly slept more soundly, which also helps reduce cold symptoms.

You should never give honey to a child younger than 1 year old, as it often contains botulinum spores. While they’re usually harmless to older children and adults, infants’ immune systems aren’t able to fight them off.

Garlic contains the compound allicin, which may have antimicrobial properties. Adding a garlic supplement to your diet might reduce the severity of cold symptoms. According to some research, it might even help you avoid getting sick in the first place.


Probiotics are “friendly” bacteria and yeast that are found in your body, some foods, and supplements. They can help keep your gut and immune system healthy, and research indicates that probiotics may reduce your chance of getting sick with an upper respiratory infection. include probiotic yogurt in your diet. Besides its potential benefits for your immune system, yogurt is a healthy snack that provides plenty of protein and calcium. Look for products that list live bacteria on the label.

Salt water

Gargling with salt water may help prevent upper respiratory infections. It may also decrease the severity of cold symptoms. For example, it may ease sore throat pain and nasal congestion.

Gargling with salt water reduces and loosens mucus, which contains bacteria and allergens. To try this remedy at home, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a full glass of water. Swish it around your mouth and throat. Then spit it out.





send us email to [email protected] about complete instructions how to make and use some home remedy. 



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