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Home / Granny`s CURE / Miracle recipe for long and happy life – MADE by 95-year-old beekeeper

Miracle recipe for long and happy life – MADE by 95-year-old beekeeper

95-year-old uncle Georgi Todorov from Plovdiv is a true legend among beekeepers in Bulgaria. 25 years as chairman of the beekeeping company “Acacia-1899″, which have membership of around 100 people.

honey-600x600Remarkably, this stately old uncle George continues to care very own 140 hives located in two distant fields. One of his apiary in the village of Turkmen, Brezovsko. And the other – in the village Smilets, Strelcha Municipality.

Uncle Georgi strictly follow a magic recipe for longevity.

A friend of Uncle George revealed the ingredients:

Take 1 kg of honey

1 kg of lemons and 200 grams bee pollen.

The lemon fruit juice pour over the bee pollen to be able to spread it, and then the juice and bee pollen stirred in honey. The mixture should stand for 24 hours. Then there is added 250-300 g tahini and stir.

If desired, add two sticks of cinnamon. Morning and evening in a glass of lukewarm water stir a spoonful from this dish and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

The cup of this beverage should drink 30 to 60 minutes before eating


send us email to [email protected] for the complete instructions how to make and use some home remedy. 



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