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Secret Potion – Improves The Chances For The Woman To Get Pregnant

Bottle of this drink has been traditionally given to the bride and groom to drink before the first wedding night. This tradition origins from some Asian countries, namely in India is still practiced.

saffron-raisins-milk-600x421The secret is in the raisins, whose berries contain agrinin, a key for erectile dysfunction treatment, improves the chances for the woman to get pregnant and improves the health of the sperm.

Besides that, it is claimed it improves the total energy.

The original recipe from India is consisted of raisins, milk and saffron.

This is a recipe for preparation of the drink:

Wash 30g of raisins and boil it with 200ml of milk. At first you should drink three times a day, and then enlarge the raisins to 50g until the problems disappear.

The raisins have other positive effects on the health. It helps for hypertension, obesity, stops cancer illnesses, anemia…it is good for the skin and hair.


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