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Home / Alternative medicine / The Cupping Therapy 5000 years old – back pain, lower back pain, ischialgia

The Cupping Therapy 5000 years old – back pain, lower back pain, ischialgia

The cupping therapy or therapy with hot cups is a traditional method for curing in many cultures in the world. It derives from China, and it is 5000 years old. By applying this method, the pores are opened, the circulation is improved, the blood vessels are widened, and the toxic from the muscles is being reduced.

vanduziThis therapy gives very good results to all our musculoskeletal system, back pain, lower back pain, ischialgia, pain between the shoulder-blades. In the beginning, this method was used as a helping method in the Chinese traditional chirurgy. Later, it has been proven that it is effective as e method in many illnesses. Besides getting rid of the toxins, the peripheral nervous system is stimulated, the lymph system is activated and the blockages in our organism are released. The skin is cleared and it is given elasticity.

The traditional cupping was being done with animal horns, then the horns were being replaced by bamboo glasses, and nowadays glassy cups are being used – called ventouses. There are two ways of using these cups, the traditional and the masseuse method. The traditional way is done by heating up the cups and putting them on the body (which creates a vacuum) and the cups are left for 15 minutes on the body. The masseuse method is done by putting the heated cups on the body and doing a massage with them.

This therapy helps in: cold, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, fribromyalgia, cellulite, stretch marks, sport injuries, lymph drainage, detoxification and relaxation. It can be done independently or in combination with other methods, like acupuncture. In the Chinese medicine it is being used for stimulation and opening of the meridians of the body.

The cupping therapy is a simple, effective and not dangerous method that gives great results.


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